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Reading our patterns

Your guide to charts, keys and symbols

Our charts are easy to read but it's always worthwhile to take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with the nuances of a design.

Our patterns are provided ready-printed onto a chart along with a legend (showing amongst other things, the symbol key).

The chart is divided into a grid of squares with a symbol shown in each square; the symbol represents the colour of thread used at a particular point in the pattern. A block on the fabric corresponds to a square on the chart. An arrow head on the chart x and y axes represents the centre line so finding the centre of the pattern is simply a matter of following each line to their crossing point.

The chart also has a legend which shows the DMC code and description for the thread, the symbol used on the pattern, the number of stitches for that thread and an estimate of the number of skeins required for that colour.

The example below shows a small completed piece together with the pattern and associated legend.

stitched piece
Example chart

A full cross stitch is shown as a full symbol in a square, a half stitch as a symbol in half a square with a diagonal line showing the direction of the stitch, and a backstitch as a black line. Three quarter stitches are the same as a half stitch symbol but without the diagonal line.

Legend for the example pattern

Using the legend above you can see that chart is made up of (from the top):

  • A line of DMC 310 (black) back stitches, followed by
  • a row of six DMC 743 (yellow-md) cross stitches, then
  • four DMC 3816 (celadon green) cross stitches
  • two DMC 817 (coral red - vy dk) cross stitches, then
  • two DMC 825 (blue -dk) half stitches
  • a line of two DMC 310 (black) back stitches, and finally
  • a row of four DMC 3816 (celadon green) three quarter stitches in different directions with two DMC 825 (blue - dk) three quarter stitches.

That's about it. If you understand this small example then you'll understand all of our patterns.